The Company of the IUNA, directed by Roxana Grinstein, shows a piece on the different meanings that can be conveyed by the “partenaire” (supporting partner) and reveals that this role does not necessarily have to be performed by a man. But the wager does not end at that: they communicate to us, through movement, the world in Pack, a world in which somehow or other, everybody fits, everybody is a part of a group, everybody is inside of something, beyond their personal choices.
In the program/card they quote Isaac Newton´s words: “There are no isolated bodies in nature. Any individual force is an aspect of a mutual interaction between two bodies”. This concept is worked on from the choreography in a way that shows the unquestionable presence of a vital bond between two bodies. With the aid of lighting, the spaces are marked where the group is going next. All this is complemented with a game with a plastic bottle which acquires prominence.
The wardrobe is simple and comfortable, there is a game with layers of clothes that talks about discomfort, and then each one can associate it freely, with the necessity of getting something off one´s back, for example. There is no specific story to tell, but there are semiotic elements that trigger their own reformulation once out of the theatre. The dancers are young and full of energy, they successfully show an intense work.
Dancing is often viewed solely as an ornamental art, but Pack is a different production. It requires an open mind and a readiness to analyze how each of us is a part of something.
Marysol Falbo